Friday, September 29, 2006
Today have my english & mt paper 1.During english paper 1..compo i plan slowly.Haa.. (: & while.. i tink i will do well for english compo.. letter i tink most probaly will be fine.Hmm.. i am quite confident fer my chinese paper 1.. the letter is alrite.. but when i saw the compo question,i am feeling disapointed laa.Because.. all 3 question nth to write & i dunoe wad to write somemore.Feeling confused at dat moment.. teacher gave us 3 pieces of paper.. but i used bout 7.. i have wasted 4 paper.My mind is dam crazy laa.. feeling nervous too.Stuck in dat question.. brain is full of question mark.
I have tried to relax.. i calm down.But then.. no use.Soo.. i rewrite one more compo, write half way.. feeling is rubbish.. normally i dun write such a story.Soo. i continue writting the old ones & later.. since still gort plenty of time..i get one more paper & re-write neatly.Oh plz.. i rly hope can score well fer compo.. i dunoe wad's wrong wif me today seriously.
I am feeling stressed up.I gort homework.. history & maths.And monday gort maths test..the common test & tis coming thursday will have literature and maths.All 2 sub.. i am worried.Literature.. dun rly gd at but i still gort read..tis is the onli moment dat i can rly rush through.I have lots lots of stuff to revised.. & i told my mom dat i dun wanna go to grandma hse fer family gathering.. so i stayed at home to revise.
I just read history.. later gotta go memorise (: and i gotta read maths & literature.I dun wanna like last time like dat.. rushing through to revise.. now i earlier study OR mayb is alr quite late,wahhas.I hope by today.. can study all 3 sub. HISTORY; LITERATURE & MATHS.. & the day b4 the exams.. i will have my last revision & yeahh. GOGOGO.!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Hellos.Sunday nite; singapore idol 2 final,hadi wonn =)).But i will still prefer jonathan u see.. bcuz last episode is malay win.. i dun wanna tis episode malay win again..but who's singaporean choice.Hadi seriously have a strong voice.
Monday nite..i went out to have my dinner at orchard.Hmm..the fd is delicious.. haa =D & me and my sis taking photo using her phone.Cant wait to get those photos.I watch singapore idol in bout like last 10 mins? Bcuz dats the time since i reached home & rushing to switch on the television..bcuz when i walk pass my neighbour hse.. all is like staring at tv & i can hear gurmit voice outside.. so i noe dat they r watching singapore idol.
I will still prefer results on the final day but nt the nxt day.. bcuz u dunoe whether they had change the votes.And they wanna make more money.
Ok.. today is wednesday.Hmm.. lets tok bout my maths test today.Hmm..teacher call us study & postpond the test till the nxt day due to nt enough time ; wahhass.I onli study a little bit.. the test is just to help ppl who fail maths.. can help to pull up their mark & score better for ca2.But for those who the time dat we can aimed fer higher mark through tis test.There will be more test cuming.. if i am nt wrong is 3 more.
My mind was blank when i recieved the paper.. i seriously dunoe hw to do.I tell u .. i scored badly;i didn't wanna noe my results.Nvm.. i alr pass my ca2 so mayb tis first test i score badly.. but it will still pull my ca2 mark up.I gotta work hard for the nxt 3 exams.. gotta rly score well so dat my ca2 progress card mark 62 will be pulled up to 70++ ; my target : )
Am i getting stressed when exams is cuming? while a little bit but nt dat stress laa.. the positive side about stress is it can push u on & u will strive hard.Negative side is mayb.. too stress till mad or wad.. exams ur brain is completely blank & mayb u will score badly.I tried my best to relax myself during examination.. bcuz even simple thing that i have learnt i will forget.. so i must nt get rushed but to TINK TINK TINK!
LAst wk & tis wk r busying fer exams.. hope can score well yaa.? gdd luck fer all my fellow frenn.Its time for me to go .. byee.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Hello..bckk to blog again.Hmm.. let me tok about yesterday yaa? hmm..cnt sleep atnite bcuz i am too excited bout today saying e pledge until i told myself not to think animore.Today.. haa during prefect attire check ,taufiq came and say practice e pledge.After attire check.. went down to parade square.Preparing to go up for pledge taking..bernice help me to make my attire; geraldine chua call me practice again.Went up after dat..rachel came & shake hand to mee & i was like OH THANKYOU.. bcuz we r in the same traning department & kenneth leong say wad i am starting to panic.
Bernice call me to relax myself..but i cnt. haa =)) Too nervous.. till i cnt say properly.. no tone; flat.I am so sry.. will improve nxt time ok? It is my first time.. so is kinda nt rly gdd; still gort lots of stuff to improve & learn.After dat..went down & kenneth leong gave me some advice.Thx kenneth =D.
After dat.. went bck to my klass.Have my attire check & sitted down.Miss pok suddenly came & say i did a great job. llol;atually.. is nt rly scary as i thought.Last 2 period.. went to serangoon swimming pool fer swimming lesson.Hmm..quite fun bcuz atfirst went to baby pool.. instructor calling one by one to go to write down our name in the paper ; preparing fer test.
Thenn.. went to deep pool..test one by one.I am completely scared of back float.. bcuz i simply dunoe mann.. onlii noe how to like normal float infront.But i dun care.. is a test u noee? so i just BET fer it laa.llol;After dat..i have a bathe & went home.Tired ; tired & tired.. so i came home .. eat & sleep.End of today morning & afternoon.. atnite gort family gathering.A big thankyou fer ppl who have helped me today.. i love u all. wheee <3
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
hihi =D will blogg due to a quite happy mood i am recieving my progress card.Hmm..before datt i am in e canteen getting my prefect photo.My hair looks dam dam weird.. haa & whenn i reach klass.. teacher alr on e way giving out progress card by register order.Thenn.. when i reach e klass imediately is my name.. wahhseh so fast;heee.Once i get it.. i imediately check whether dere is dere ani subject dat is underlined.Pheww.. all pass whee (: & i put it in my report bk of cuz.Everyone is like busying checking each other results & compare.Quite shock when i got my result.. bcuz i can atually pass lit.. woOts.Hmm..chinese teacher nv cum today.. i tink she's on MC.. so we do anithing.Some chit-chatting.. some playing .. i was walking around doin nthh.
Suddenly one teacher came.. & said plz be prepared fer chinese listening compre.. then everyone was like HUH? REALLI? haa.. but is alrite laa; quite easy.Oh yaa.. after sku i goin to bookshop to photocopy my progress card & when i reach dere.. gort one sec 2 guy dunoe hw to make e machine and JAM.. llol; & e bookshop aunty scolded him say hw u make der and blahblahblahh.And i am standing behind looking & i was thinking LUCKY IS NT ME =.=.. then arrh getting fustrated bcuz quite long so i just went away.
Soon.. i gort home;.Hmm.. have my lunch as usual and have my afternoon nap.When i wake up.. give report card & let my dad have a look.. hmm it say is ok laa. quite gdd ; sign & say gort improved. whee =) Ok.. end of yr exams cuming.. hmm gotta buck up.
Ohh yaa..lets tok bout science practical test today.Atfirst.. quite scared bcuz whenn i see those equipment.. my mind was confused.Haaa =D thenn.. hmm went to find my number 19 e table & sitted down waiting fer instruction given.Ok.. finally e practical test started..e funny thing is i dunoe hw to switch on e bursen burner. until i SECRETLY tok to a guy & call him teach me.Phewww.. & thenn whenn teacher is settled other stuff or wadevrr..i asked fer help haa.Gort some ppl bcuz they tok & gort deducted 5mark.. lucky mee never deduct.YEAHH & i dunoe hw to fold filter paper haa.. again ppl teach me. A BIG THX TO THEM.Overall.. is quite fun bcuz need to heat the water & all.. hope can score well & will pull up my sc mark but nt pull down.. OH PLZ! haa.Okok.. i gotta go lerr.cyaa.
Monday, September 18, 2006
hellos(: i tink i gotta get bck my results slip tmrr.. which is tuesday.Kindaa excited? or nervous? haa.. dunn realli noe wad i am feeling now while i am posting.Hmm..friday had happen lots of stuff.Afternoon.. it suddenly rain heavily.. wif thunderstorm & we went to serangoon swimming pool to have our swimming lesson.. b4 dat no one had inform e teacher.. so teacher cnt cancel.Though we get dere.. but we cnt swim.. & e water looks like ice..& is feeling veri veri cold.. no one is at e swimming pool except us!!
While.. we saw our swimming instructor and it call us change into our swimming trunk and have dry swimming.I was like HUH? DRY SWIMMING? =.= ok teaches us hw to save life .. like need to hear heartbeat.. wad pulse thingy nt rly sure.Thinking dat atleast i learn sthh.. nxt time IF anithing happen.. i noe hw to save ppl; ATLEAST e basic u see.. so i am quite happi wif it.
After e lesson... i tink no one have bathe? we change bcuz we nv touch until e water soo i just change into my uniform & went hm to bathe.Bcuz i tink dat.. if at e serangoon swimming pool bathe.. the water is cold .. at home bathe atleast i can switch on e heater and make it warm.. but is still cold GRR.After shower & had my lunch.. went to have afternoon nap & went to grandma hse fer family gathering.
I Help to go to coffee shop to buy fd atnite.. and while huiyan is eating.. zheming went to snatch e VERI VERI LAST PIECE OF FISH & ate it.. huiyan is sad & angry laa.. bcuz she is eating.. chewing & holding e fish on her hand thenn zheming to snatch.They 2 fight .. zheming go pull huiyan hair.. SO VIOLENT!! & he is just a primary one kid .. omgg.And huiyan go slap zheming face..ok.. they normally is veri gdd.. sometimes fight.. & huiyan burst into tears mann.SO SAD :( but later..zheming came & say sry to huiyan.. so is like e probb is solve ((: .tis happen on fridayy.. while happen on today..
My maths results..score 31/50.. which is 62/100.i am like DAMN IT.Teacher say it expect much more better results frm me.. i tink he look too high on mee laa..bcuz gort one question. change 120 into decimal.. so instead of 120=120x100= blahblahblah.. i just move e decimal point & nv show working.. so teacher dun wanna give me so i wasted 4 MARKS!! plus some other careless mistake like nv put percentage sign and bracket.. also minus. arhh!! ok.. compare to last time in pri sku.. tis mark is alr veri gdd.. instead JUST PASS is alr veri gdd laa.. bcuz i fail almost all e time.I FAILED :( but dats last time) .Although i pass.. but i can score better..but never mind.. hope my progress card can all pass. PLZPLZPLZ! & end of yr exams cuming.. 29 semptember..time to chiong& buck up..butt i am still slacking & relaxing.But. i am sure i will study hard.. study e right thingy & do well in exams.Hope after exams can rly relax& went out wif my best post is long.. haa hope u guys enjoy reading it. HEE..
Saturday, September 09, 2006 is soo tired mann.. 7++ wake up; 12++ go out & meet huiyan & & my mom went to tampiness mall earlier bcuz we go and eat.. then later me & my mom go shop shop lorr.. help her c clothes colour thenn i went to buy my socks haa =)
Then.. hmm after awhile we went to macdonals to have our fries and i found out huiyan didn't have my new number so she cnt contact me until my mom call me to contact her so is like lucky laa.. or else dunoe must wait till wad time.While..when we go to tampiness shopping mall .. my aunt gave me 10 dollar to call me buy anithing i wan so is like wooahh xDD.Hmm i helped mom pay money fer her shoe since me & huiyan r soo free bcuz my aunt & mom gonna go make hair.. so me & huiyan go shopping so we help to pay.. while is such a long ''q'' but is veri fast though.Hmm.. after dat follow huiyan go to minitoons & popular.. then recieved a call frm my aunt say go buy bck e same shoe again.. bcuz is cheap so is like OMGG.. bcuz is such a long ''q'' so is like i lazy go bckk again to pay.. but thenn bo bian so we went dere and have a hard time finding size 36.. we DIG ; DIG & DIG like some crazy fellows.
And finally i found number 36 haa.After dat.. huiyan go buy drinks then we shop shop shop.. went to CD shop to search some cd.Then we go to century square.. is kinda bored.Thenn.. we went to e shop to find aunt & my mom.. thenn we go eat lorr.Huiyan treated me fries and ice milo.She order combo 2 & ice lemon tea.. total cost 9.65 cents i tink.. then she gave me 10dollar then later after i eat finish e fries.. she say if nt enough go order again so i was like she treated me veri well.Soon.. is time fer us to go & find out mom bcuz aunt called huiyan dat there was bout to finish.. then i saw 2 of them e brand new looks when i reach dere wif huiyan((:
While.. time passes veri veri fast.. and after dat we went to food court to buy some fd go home thenn we took bus 72 and is like soo tired thenn.I slept in bus and nw i am at hm.. whole day journey just ended today.Is tired.. but fun i enjoy e moment shopping wif huiyan.. bcuz we r cousins so deres a lot of things we can tok boutt.I am tired **yawn yawn**.. imagine laa 7++ wake upp till 8.15pm haven't even rest.. i take afternoon nap usually.OKOK.. i noe i like to complain veri much LLOL; ! ok i gotta goo. cyaa.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Heyy. tis few days is busy blogging..lets tokk bout today.hmm.. atually we plan to watch movie at plaza singapura.So... on wednesday;shariel need to go to seniors birthday party;thursday..meiling nt free& as well as friday.. then satt onli huijia at night free.She already said is atnite free.. dat means she morning or wad surely have sthh on & atnite surely is resting time..and some more is atnite.
We usually watch movie like.. afternoon dat type.. then after e whole movie we will go eat ,take neoprint and shop shop derr.So.. tis november holiday.. dunn realli have ani outing bcuz everyone is nt free so is kindda dissapointed.I thought can watch movie laa.. bcuz i veri less watch but since everyone is busy so is cancelled and is like HAIIZ..butt nvmm laa.. lets concentrate at end of yr exams first.. gotta study and strive hard and ltrr we will have some outing yaa?I
I realli enjoy on sunday outing at pungol parkk.. i miss it whole time spendin at hm playing computer,sleeping & slacking.. seriously is nthh to do x'( and ltrr bout 6.30pm.. err i went down to buy chocolate waffle so today just simply u tink dat i am wasting my november holiday instead of studying and doing my holiday hwkk?.. while i did dat long ago so i am relaxing nw :XX butt i still can have some revision riite? but i just dun wann bcuz i wanna slack slack slack! hee. ((: dun realli look forward on sku re-open.. but thenn no choice.. we cnt hold bckk time and when sku re-open.. i noe i gotta be busy preparing fer my end of yr exam so is like gotta study hard. While.. is time fer me to goo.. bye.
Saturday, September 02, 2006

all of us at pungol park xDD
Heyy! bckk to blogg again.. haa. today 6+ wake up.. 8.20am must meet in pungol park fer some activities.. while me and some other frenz think dat we prefer those like in the park do wadevr u wan. example : cycling..chating.. fly kites and wadevr stuff we want but today.. hmm is people plan fer us to play.Atfirst i thought.. should be SIANZ ahh.. and somemore i am being posted to a team dat i dun wann.But.. later i switch wif someone..without telling the person in-charge bcuz she dun wanna us to switch.. bcuz the person wanna be in my team.. and i wanna be in his team bcuz gort my fren we switch and make sure tis wnt spread to e person in-charge. HEE!
While.. we started our first!U noe.. i quite hate soccer bcuz i anihw kick.. my ''IC'' and one guy played and me and other 2 girl were chatting all the ''IC'' rockks!he incharge of tis grpp.. then his soccer nt badd.. he is sweating while playing football. I try to help.. i kick and snatch.. but can said to FAIL.And.
We proceed to e nxt station which is dodgeball.. is fun though =) ok.. instruction is our opponent.. must throw ball to us and if it hit till us.. we will be OUT of e game so atfirst.. 2 kena kick out and my ''IC'' is e first one.. sobs so left wif 3 which is me ;meixuan and shariel but ltr.. it restart.. so e 6 of us came bckk and we started playing again.. then left wif 1 person which is me.I was like.. errm left wif 2 opponent.. hw am i suppose to VS them.. haa but imediately after dat.. i kena laa a guy opponent which is junwei hited me and i was like SHTT..i am out so butt nvmm is fun.. i enjoy myself .
Then.. we proceed to freezbie. sryy if i spelled wrongly.. is so fun must fly e so called ''plate'' laa.. then my 'IC'' fly to me.. then i must fly to other person.. while holding.. cntt run.. but after u pass.. u can run so we pass to our goal point and tis continues to 19 + point laa hmm.. nt dat sure.Though is tired bcuz need to run here run dere.. then if drop e ''plate'' then must quickly go snatch and all.. but is realli verii fun and ppl who walk pass us have a look on us .. haa (: First 2 station we lose.. so tis station we won so is like OH YEAHH!
Ltrr.. went to relay! haa.. i am e second runner..then atfirst..the first runner.. ;huimei lose to a guy.. while JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE then ltrr.. second runner which is me and yizhen.. haa i won yizhen =) then pass till 3rd ,4th and 5th runner.. my ''IC'' is e 6th runner which is e last runner bcuz he run veri fast. so yeahh we won again. whee ((:
After some rest.. we proceed to telematch.. it simply is nthh bcuz e station master like did nthh der lorr.. so we just anihw play.. is need to have 5 round of hula hoop..10skip of skipping rope..and 10 turns of umbrella and must throw some newspaper ball in one small circle.We all anihw play.. hee ! then ltrr.. while e staton master is dealing wif other team dunoe wadd.. i quickly put some NEWSPAPER BALL into e circle.. haa or else must throw in.. so hard then after e whole station end.. my ''IC'' e leg bcuz veri itchy.. so he go and scratch and gort a lot of blood.. then he use tissue and some water to go and wash it.. hope it is fine .
Finally.. last station.. CAPTAINS BALL.. dats wad i like bout my ''IC'' .. he is tall and can cover and can help us take e ball.. and can help our team.. we won e game again ! haa. bcuz gort one girl is tall.. so bully some of our grp e girlz..but nvmm. gort me and my ''IC'' but e ''IC'' is much much more taller than e girl lorr..then we have a lot of goals .. though some ppl stay at e captain infront.. but still cnt catch it..then my ''IC'' also cover a lot of e balls frm e tall fat girl then is like she c ler veri bushuang.. wadevr laa like i care.
After e whole station end.. while everyone just assemble and we will have debrief.. after debrief we all squeaze together to take grpp photo and after dat we had lunch.. then chat awhile take some photo and is home sweet home .. bcuz i am sweating so is like i wanna have a shower.. have a great time wif my grpp and my ''IC'' .. my ''IC'' realli helped us a lott.. need to thxx him.Nxt time then take some photo wif my ''IC'' but nvmm.. msn gort liiao so can still stay in contact.. total we score 22/.. haiiz nt e champion.. it is grp F who score 24.. just by 2 mark.. but nvmm.. the most important stuff is we had fun today. =) I TINK MY GRPP ALL DID WELL AND CORPERATE TODAY ; I LOVE IT =) LETS GIVE OURSELF A BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE. **clapp clapp**